Photos from a recent shoot with the fabulously tattooed Laura Haley. I’ve known Laura for years, and we’ve been talking about shooting for almost as long. It took a while to get round to it, but she was definitely worth the wait. She warned me in advance that she wouldn’t know what to do in front of the camera, but was a complete natural from the first photo. Even full-time models take a while to warm up, so it’s some achievement that Laura was totally relaxed straightaway.

I love the edginess of someone with so many body modifications, it’s pretty much impossible for her not to look interesting in photos.

Hair & make-up by Charlotte Fisher
Lingerie in the cover shot by Kiss Me Deadly from Wayward Grace

London Boudoir Photographer - Laura Haley

London Boudoir Photographer - Laura Haley

London Boudoir Photographer - Laura Haley

London Boudoir Photographer - Laura Haley

London Boudoir Photographer - Laura HaleyLondon Boudoir Photographer - Laura Haley

London Boudoir Photographer - Laura Haley


































































































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