Skin’s one of those girls who the camera just loves. I’d met her in a club & thought straightaway that she stood out from other models, & she’s great to shoot as she brings a lot of personality to the shots, and comes up with unusual poses (more importantly, unusual poses that work!)
This first set was all shot with natural light. The smoking shot at the beginning wasn’t set up, she was just having a quick fag before we started. It’s always worth having the camera in your hand, you get some great natural shots when the model isn’t posing. The outfit is what she turned up in but it matched her hair & the top hat so well we shot it anyway!
This outfit was hired by my then girlfriend for a fancy dress party, it looked so amazing on her that I couldn’t resist shooting it with Skin. Note to photographers: It’s much better to check that your girlfriend’s ok with this first #relationshipfail
The outfits for this part of the shoot were provided by House of Harlot latex. The first is one of my favourite shots of mine, it definitely has something unusual about it. Probably because you don’t see people in latex strait-jackets every day of the week.
You can see more of Skin on her blog, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook
Hair & Make-up for all these shots by Natasha Daniel
Shot in Notting Hill, London
More latex & alt model shots here
Eye-catching shoots of very beautiful and original girl here – I like them!
Book marked, I love your blog! 🙂