Nice to meet you, I’m Matt. Thanks for signing up for my newsletter 🙂 The first one will be with you early next month.
In the meantime here’s a bit about me. Feel free to skip if bored.
How I Got Started
In 2005, I was living in Gran Canaria, earning a living singing & dancing in a Blues Brothers Tribute Show (that’s me on the right!). I had a side hustle designing websites, which led to me doing a week’s work for a TV company that were filming on the island.
My First Camera
I used the money from that week to buy a camera, mainly to take pictures of bars and restaurants that I was making websites for. I bought a book on lighting, and realised that most of the lighting demos consisted of women on the beach wearing bikinis, and thought “Hang on, I live near the beach, I know people who own bikinis!” I asked a friend if she was interested in posing for me just for fun. That went well, I shot some more people, things quickly snowballed, and within two years I sold my first photo to a magazine.
I’ve always loved learning new skills, & things do have a habit of falling into my lap, so when I got a text one evening asking me to shoot a video the day I jumped at the chance, despite never having done it before. There was so much to learn between filming, editing, recording and editing sound but it’s great, I love how my days are all different now.
The Future
I’m super happy dividing my time between photo and video, but I still love trying new ideas, so if you have a project you want to try out that you don’t see on my website, give me a shout.
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Go on, give me a follow on any or all of these, you know you want to.

My First Ever Shoot
Featuring the lovely Katia. I’ve improved a bit since then!

My First Magazine Sale
Featuring Rachael Cole. Look at the improvement in two years!

Me Today
Well, not today. But recently. Either way, this is what I’ll look like when we shoot, but less well lit. I also may be wearing a hat.