On my second day in Fiji I took a boat trip to South Sea Island, one of the Mamanucas. The scenery on the way over was pretty great, here’s a shot just coming out of Port Denerau.
These islands are where Cast Away with Tom Hanks was filmed, they’re mostly tiny strips of land, South Sea Island is maybe 50m by 25m. Amazingly it still has a pool though!
It’s a Fijian tradition to welcome you to the island with song, the staff greet every boat like this, which must get a little old for them with several boats a day. They always manage to have a convincing looking smile though 🙂
Fijian money is great, who needs presidents & royalty when you have brightly coloured animals?
l never got bored of arriving at new islands, I love the thought that with a place this small you can explore every inch of it.
This bird seems like he owns the place. MINE!
This is the wedding chapel at the Sheraton in Denerau. I spent some time shooting it from all angles so as to be a well-prepared wedding photographer, but discovered the night before the wedding that the bride wasn’t religious so they weren’t using it. D’oh!
Here’s a shot of my bit of the Sheraton just after sunset
And finally, that’s a lens in my pocket, don’t flatter yourself 🙂
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